Featured Reader
Oliver Yong
Since young, Oliver knew he was highly sensitive, and he could “sense and see” energies, spirits and other “beings”. He was extremely sensitive to energies, and later found out he is an Intuitive Psychic, Heyoka Empath, INFJ, Medium and Wiccan.
Oliver attended his first 6 days Spiritual Awakening retreat in 2012 and was deeply fascinated by his experiences. Early 2016, he started his journey as a Spiritual Worker and Healer as he joined his first New Age Centre as a practitioner and @the.oracle.journey first begun.

At 12, he began his Tarot journey with his first Tarot deck – Osho Zen Tarot.

Launched Instagram for the Tarot Association and is the admin for their social media platforms.
Invited by SEAMS Tarot creator Rowen Ong as concept artist for the Knight of Cups.

Resident reader at 3 of Cups, a Tarot themed bar in Singapore.
Appointed Treasurer for the Tarot Association

Part of the Editorial Team for the Tarot Association newsletter “The Magus”and launched the first issue on 9/8/2022

Co-author of the Tarot book - How to Read the Tarot, a Beginner's Guide to the 78 Cards.
2nd book on card spread coming soon.
If you are searching for a healer who will listen to your stories and gently guide you through your Dark Nights of The Soul; looking for direction and insights at Life’s crossroads or need Healing, come and have a session with him.
- Tarot Reading
- Numerology
- Space Cleansing & Fengshui
- Mediumship
- Magick & Spellcraft
- Shadow Work
- Energy Healing
- Psychic Development
I was really lucky to be picked during Ollie's IGTV for a free reading. It was my first time watching his live sharing session, as most would say, beginner's luck.
I was intrigued to further the reading as the free one was so spot on with what I am going through currently and therefore I arranged an online reading with him.
We did a video call with no poor intermittent, and with that I had an accurate and insightful reading with Ollie for more than an hour. Though the reading is charged for an hour, Ollie is generous with his time and also patient with my Q&A before moving on to the next segment of my reading.
I really enjoyed doing a reading with him, in fact it was quite therapeutic for me as he shared his experiences and advices on how I could do better. I could feel that it is a 2-way kind of reading as he would ask questions to understand me better.
Thank you Ollie and God Bless.
Oliver held a class called Vows of Life, which I attended in 2019. I learned about aspects of my current life which may be influenced by vows made previously that may not be serving me currently.
He was very accurate with his readings, identifying issues that I am currently facing without me having to explain them, and some I was never conscious about!
Being an energy worker myself, I have only come to see clearer how some of these patterns affect me. Took me a year to notice them myself! Goes to show how sharp his readings can be.
Thank you Oliver for the class, teaching us how to observe these patterns or vows we had made in past lives and teaching us how to break them through affirmations and energetic methods. And at the end we even received some (strongly enchanted) gifts!
I highly recommend Oliver!
Had a session with Oliver to gain more insight to my situation at work. Messages were passed over in a light-hearted manner which is unassuming an genuine. I've also learned some really useful techniques during the session too! Oliver really does take time out to explain how each thing works and I'm grateful for the sharing. If you are a person who's looking for unassuming advice and practical troubleshooting, Oliver will deliver this with a touch of magic.
I spent a delightful hour plus with Oliver yesterday.
Oliver's reading was fascinating and his style is super engaging. Intuition and awareness full pelt and I have never felt so involved in a reading before. It was an eye-opener on many levels.
I have umpteen readings and astrological whatsoever since I was an infant as it was a hobby of my maternal Grandmother's to get the Vedic astrologers over. With Oliver there is no icky upsell. He is utterly confident in his abilities with every ounce of his one of a kind relatability. I like the bit of mischief and we gelled and fizzed throughout. For a change I could be myself as Oliver was his authentic self. He has a kind of empathy and humour that for me is refreshing, novel, liberating and a perfect pick me up.
Oliver has published numerous beautiful works, feel free to DM him for more info.